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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Area 11-O (Southern Orange County)

Area 11-O Spring Invitational Tournament

2025 Area 11-O Spring Invitational Tournament

May 17-18, 2025

Location: Lake Forest Sports Park, Lake Forest

Welcome to the Area 11-O Spring Invitational Tournament

Acceptance into the Area 11-O Spring Invitational Tournament is by INVITATION ONLY. Regions within Area 11-O are responsible for awarding those spots allocated to their Region.  Each Region specifies their selection criteria for acceptance into the Area tournament. Only Core Spring teams are allowed to enter the Area 11-O Spring Invitational Tournament and must be approved by the Regional Commissioner. Participating teams agree to all tournament rules and must ensure that all referees and parents are aware of the tournament rules. 

Important Dates for Area 11-O Spring Invitational Tournament:
Rosters Due to the Area Director and Tournament Director - TBD
Early Check In - TBD
Pool Play - 5/17/25
Semi and Finals - 5/18/25

Tournament Check In Information

All Coaches must check in at least 60 minutes before their first match (NO PLAYERS at check in).
Coaches must present the following items to the onsite Tournament check-in tent:

  • A Current Spring Season, Coach Photo ID Card
  • Copies of each player's current Spring Medical Release Form (date on form must be from 2025)
Please note: Player Medical Release Forms in electronic or digital format, will NOT be accepted. Hard copies MUST be presented at time of check-in.

LF Sports Park: Signs will indicate where to check in, please ensure you say that you're with Area 11-O
EARLY Check-In (optional) - TBD

Please note: Regional Commissioners will be sending Tournament Staff signed official team rosters from Affinity Sports and four (4) pre-printed Sports Connect/Registration generated line up cards. These are due by May 13th. These will be validated at check in. 

semi-finals and finals

A teams advancement beyond tournament pool play, will be determined based on final pool play results AND one of the following conditions being met:

  • A Regions overall tournament pool play referee coverage participation must average 4.0 or greater (# of pool play referee positions covered by the Regions referees divided by number of teams participating in the tournament from that same Region). (i.e. 26 tournament pool play referee positions filed by the Region / 6 teams submitted to the tournament = 4.3 regional tournament pool play referee participation average.)

  • Should a team’s Regional tournament pool play referee participation average fail to meet the minimum required, a team may still qualify for advancement should the team individually cover at least four (4) tournament pool play referee positions. (Referees must select the team they wish to receive credit when signing up for a match via MatchTrak. Retroactive team credit will not be allowed.)
Failure of a Region or Team to meet the needed tournament pool play referee participation requirement, could prohibit a team from advancing beyond tournament pool play.

(Extenuating Regional and/or Team circumstances must be submitted in writing to the Tournament Director, prior to the start of the tournament.)

Coach and Referee Information


  • All Coaches and Assistant Coaches MUST have a current Fall Season, Region issued, Coach Photo ID Card.
  • Coach and Assistant Coach ID Cards are REQUIRED for ALL Tournament Matches.
  • Coach and Assistant Coach ID Cards must be worn and remain visible at all times.
  • Player ID cards are NOT required.
  • All players must be fully registered with AYSO for the current season.
  • Roster changes (adding/removing players to/from a fall roster) are NOT allowed.
  • Guest players are not allowed.
  • Coaches are required to have in their possession, AT ALL TIMES, copies of each players current Fall Season Player Medical Release form. (Player Medical Release Forms in electronic or digital format, will NOT be accepted. Hard copies are required.)
  • Coaches and Assistant Coaches must be fully registered with AYSO, approved and rostered for the current season.
  • All Coaches and Assistant Coaches must meet the certification requirements as outlined per the AYSO National Coaching Program Guidelines.
  • If team uniform color conflict, home team (listed first on the schedule) to change uniform color.
  • NO Coin Toss (Visitors kick-off, Home team selects goal to defend).
  • Pre-approved lineup cards to be provided to Tournament Staff by Regional Commissioner.
  • Tournament standings based on three (3) point system.
  • All matches must start and end on time.
  • Pool Play Match Duration:
    • 10U = 2 x 25min halves
    • 12U = 2 x 25min halves
    • 14U = 2 x 25min halves
  • Semi-Final and Final Match Duration:
    • 10U = 2 x 25min halves
    • 12U = 2 x 30min halves
    • 14U = 2 x 35min halves
  • Halftime break NOT to exceed 5 minutes.
  • NO additional/extra time added for injuries or stoppages.
  • Pool play matches may end in a tie.
  • Semi-Final and Final matches must have a winner. If tied at the end of the 4th quarter, winner to be determined by penalty shoot-out.
  • Players in the tournament will not be allowed to officiate.
  • Youth Referee participation in the Tournament is by invitation only.
  • Coaches are ENCOURAGED to manage potential match blowouts by limiting goal differentials.
  • Lineup cards will be reviewed by onsite Regional, Area and Tournament staff.
  • Coaches are responsible for the conduct and behavior of themselves, their players, parents, and spectators on their sideline. Poor sportsmanship, verbal abuse and negative yelling will not be tolerated at any time and may result in being removed from the match or facility.
  • Pets (i.e. dogs) are never allowed at AYSO games or practices.
  • Referees must check in at the onsite Referee Tent at least 45 minutes prior to their first match and be properly dressed (in full uniform).
    • Yellow jersey (new style), black referee shorts, and black referee socks with 2 or 3 stripes.
    • Appropriate AYSO Referee Badge (i.e. Regional, Intermediate, Advanced, National).
    • Hats are OK, but should be all black baseball style only.
    • Referees are encouraged to bring alternate colored jerseys, in case of color conflict.
    • Improperly dressed Referees may be replaced.
  • All referees must be fully registered with AYSO and approved for the current season.
  • All referees must meet the certification requirements as outlined per the AYSO National Referee Program Guidelines.
  • Referees must perform a player and field safety check before each match.

coach and referee requirements

ALL AYSO Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Referees MUST complete the following:
  • Be a registered and an approved volunteer for the current program/season (including background check clearance).
  • Must have completed the AYSO Safe Haven course.
  • Successfully completed the AYSO/CDC Concussion Awareness course.
  • Completed the AYSO Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Awareness course.
  • Must complete the AYSO Live Scan (Fingerprinting) process.
  • Safe Sport certification must be current/valid.
  • Be properly trained per the AYSO National Coaching/Referee Program Guidelines for the age/skill level of the Division they are coaching/refereeing.

Tournament Staff will be reviewing each Coach, Assistant Coach and Referee's credentials before the tournament begins. All trainings and screenings that have an expiration date need to be valid through the entire tournament. All updates need to be completed by December 1st. 

Tournament Contact Information

Please contact us here

Tournament Info: [email protected]
Area Referee Admin: [email protected]
Area Director: [email protected]

Pool Play Standings

Standings for pool play games will be determined on the “three-point system” as follows:
  • WIN = 3 points
  • TIE = 1 point
  • LOSS = 0 points
  • GOAL = 0 points
  • SHUTOUT = 0 points
  • FORFEIT = 3 points (scored as a 1-0 win)
  • SEND OFF = 1 point deduction for each send off of a player or substitute.
  • EJECTION = 1 point deduction for each ejection of a team official or spectator.

Pool Play Tiebreaker

If teams are tied on points at the end of pool play, their final standings will be determined using the following tie-breaker criteria in sequence:

Divisions with 5 or More teams

1) Head-to-Head Result: The winner of the direct match between tied teams (not applicable if more than two teams are tied).
2) Fewest Blowout Matches: The team with the fewest number of match blowouts (max goal differential allowed 5)
3) Fewest Goals Allowed: The team that has conceded the fewest goals.
4) Most Wins: The team with the highest number of victories.
5) Most Shutout Wins: The team with the most shutout victories (wins only).
6) Coin Flip: If still tied, a coin flip will determine the standings.

Divisions with 4 or Less Teams
1) Head-to-Head Result: The winner of the direct match between tied teams (not applicable if more than two teams are tied).
2) Fewest Blowout Matches: The team with the fewest number of match blowouts (max goal differential allowed is 5)
3) Fewest Goals Allowed: The team that has conceded the fewest goals
4) Kicks from the Mark (KFTM): Only if 2 teams are tied
5) Coin Flip: This will happen until only 2 teams remain, then KFTM (only used if 3 teams are still tied after scenario 1 and 2 above produce a tie)

These criteria apply to Area play divisions where an Area divisional champion may be required.

Required Play Time

  • All players (10U, 12U and 14U) MUST play at least 3/4 of each game unless prohibited by max roster size.
  • No player may play 4 quarters until ALL teammates have played at least 3 quarters (including goalkeeper).
  • Substitution rules may not otherwise be changed because of roster size.
Referees: Please report all incidents to the referee tent immediately at the conclusion of the match.

Pet Policy

Please be aware that pets are NOT allowed at School fields - AT ANY TIME. The presence of pets at any school field, will lead to the revoking of our permits.

While some cities do allow leashed pets at city parks, they are NEVER allowed at the field during a practice or game.

For the safety of ALL our players and volunteers - please leave your pets at home.

AYSO is obligated to observe and respect existing regulations and laws regarding the presence of service animals at our fields. Service animals are defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as only dogs or miniature horses that have been trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Other animals, whether wild or domestic, do not qualify as service animals.

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Contact Us

AYSO Area 11O

27707 Crown Valley Pkwy D4 - 259 
Ladera Ranch, California 92694

Email Us: [email protected]
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